
  • Pomembne točke pri uporabi grednih sklopk

    Pomembne točke pri uporabi grednih sklopk Today I would like to introduce the important points of using shaft coupling: 1. The shaft coupling is not allowed to exceed the specified axis line skew and radial displacement, so as not to affect its transmission performance. 2. The bolts of the coupling must not be l...
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  • Primerjava elektromagnetnih in hidravličnih zavor – prednosti in slabosti

    Primerjava elektromagnetnih in hidravličnih zavor – prednosti in slabosti Introduction: Brakes are crucial components in various machinery and vehicles, enabling control and safety during deceleration or stopping. Two commonly used brake systems are electromagnetic brakes and hydraulic brakes. In this article, we will compare their advantages a...
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  • Vzmetne avtomatsko vodene zavore za vozila (AGV).

    Vzmetne avtomatsko vodene zavore za vozila (AGV). Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are crucial computer-controlled devices found in logistics centers, industrial farm facilities, and other large-scale operations. Most AGVs are battery-powered and often require frequent recharging. However, some AGV brakes consume signifi...
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  • Uporaba blokirnih sklopov na robotih za rešetke

    Uporaba blokirnih sklopov na robotih za rešetke Locking Assemblies are keyless connecting devices that generate significant clamping forces between the inner ring and the shaft, as well as the outer ring and the hub, through the action of high-strength tension bolts. This achieves a keyless connection between the compo...
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  • Uporaba zaklepne naprave v tekstilnih strojih

    Uporaba zaklepne naprave v tekstilnih strojih Locking device generally refers to a keyless coupling (also known as a non-key coupling), which is a device used to connect two shafts together, commonly found in mechanical transmission systems. Unlike traditional keyed couplings, Locking device do not require a key to c...
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  • Uporaba skrčljivega diska v vetrnih turbinah

    Uporaba skrčljivega diska v vetrnih turbinah A shrink disc, also known as a shrink-fit coupling or a locking device, is a mechanical component used to connect and transmit torque between two shafts. While shrink discs have various applications across different industries, including automotive and manufacturing, they...
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  • Kaj je zaviranje v sili elektromagnetne zavore?

    Kaj je zaviranje v sili elektromagnetne zavore? The emergency braking function (E-stop of the electromagnetic brake) of an electromagnetic brake refers to its ability to brake rapidly and effectively in emergency situations. It serves as a safety feature to stop or hold a system or machinery in critical or unforeseen c...
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  • Kratek uvod v problem puščanja olja harmoničnega reduktorja in rešitve

    Kratek uvod v problem puščanja olja harmoničnega reduktorja in rešitve Harmonic reducers can experience the issue of oil leakage from the bearing end cap during operation. Today, we will analyze the reasons for oil leakage from the bearing end cap of harmonic reducers and discuss the corresponding solutions. Reasons for oil leakage from the ...
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  • Spretnosti sestavljanja membranskih sklopk – PRVI DEL

    Spretnosti sestavljanja membranskih sklopk – PRVI DEL

    Membranska sklopka REACH je pogosto uporabljena naprava za mehanski prenos, kakovost in spretnosti njene sestave pa pomembno vplivajo na njeno normalno delovanje in življenjsko dobo.Med njimi je metoda sestavljanja s temperaturno razliko ena izmed pogosto uporabljenih veščin sestavljanja.Temperatura se razlikuje...
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  • Kako Reach zagotavlja ključno delovanje elektromagnetnih zavor na servo motorjih?

    Kako Reach zagotavlja ključno delovanje elektromagnetnih zavor na servo motorjih? As a component of mechanical equipment, servo motors have been widely used in many high-precision industries, such as machine tools, robots, etc. This leads to the long-term operation of servo motors in high-temperature environments, which can lead to an increase in the i...
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  • Uvedba zavore s trajnim magnetom

    Uvedba zavore s trajnim magnetom Designed, engineered, precision, and durability, Permanent Magnet Brakes are ideal for both motor and non-motor applications. It excel in particular by their compact dimensions and their comparatively low weight. Furthermore, due to their design principle permanent magnet...
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  • Kakšne so prednosti membranskih sklopk v servo sistemih?

    Kakšne so prednosti membranskih sklopk v servo sistemih? Diaphragm couplings are connected by several sets of diaphragms with bolts interlaced with two halves of couplings. Each set of diaphragms is composed of several stacked pieces which was made by stainless steel sheet. It is a high-performance flexible coupling.  Because o...
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